Friday, September 29, 2006

SO I'm done with high school

Yup Yup. Done with it all. Just waiting for my dipolma and I'm good to go. Took a while but I did it. Nothing more to say other then look out. I'm thinking about writing some game reviews here.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Warning for intentionally bumping a post?

Yeah...I was over at the Ranger Board just a minute ago. I wrote a post requesting some Power Rangers episodes. Well, I got a response a while back but the link they gave me didn't work. So just a few minutes ago I bumped the thread up so I could keep the request. I mean, making more then one thread in less then 10 about the same thing isn't cool so I figured, "Hey, I got a thread already about the same thing so might as well rather then make another post about the same thing." turns out:

Originally Posted by alie
I like to ban people for intentional bumping - fortunately for you I can't do that.
... Unless you do it so frequently that it becomes a problem - so watch it.]

Wow. If she could ban me, she would. For a forum about Power Rangers, this kinda of seemed mean to me. I'm not angry or am intending to do another WWI type of thing just really surprised is all. And she locked the thread.

Really, I was just asking for some episodes. I even apoligized for bumping the post yet still...It's more annoying that I could have gotten banned for something as trivial as that. After all, they don't want to make duplicate threads so its better just to bump an existing thread, since they'll point right back to it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Xbox Live

It truly is a sad, but good, day. I've finally joined Xbox Live. However, you could say I'm testing it out at the moment. I signed up for Xbox Live on a pre-paid card, also bought 1600 points, but only for one month. It was cheaper that way. Though if it is good, I'll buy a year. But I gotta tell ya...IT FUCKING HURT!!! I'm not being emotional. I'm just talking about the fucking packaging the pre-paid card was it. Tried to be nice and ease it out but no. It would be that easy. While trying to open the thing with some scissors, the thing wasn't snapping so I put so pressure. Guess what? It opened on my middle finger got hurt but shuting part of it in the handles. It hurt. Worst part was that it didn't bleed. It was just really red like it wanted to bleed.

But besides the point, I signed up. Also, I'm not using any cables. Too much of hassle considering the modem is the study so I'm using the wireless adapter. I was lucky and found a preowned adapter for $30 cheaper then the new. Its working so I'm cool. I might see some of ya'll online sometime...or not.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Interview questions for my feature in Journalism (about Wii)

I'm doing a feature article on the Nintendo Wii so I need to do some interviews. Rather then doing some annoying problems to schedule an interview with some problems, I've been giving permission to do this. So here are the questions:

1. What do you think about the Wii pricing? Is it too high, too low, or just right?
2. Does the Wii not supporting DVD playback affect your decision to buy a Wii?
3. What Wii launch title(s) are you most looking fowards?
4. What, in your opinion, was the most surprising news from Nintendo concerning yesterday's announcements?
5. What's your opinion on the Wii's functionality?
6. Concerning the other consoles, where do you think Wii will stand in the competition?
7. Despite the fact that the PS3 has been delayed in Europe, it will still launch earlier then Wii in both US and Japan. Do you think that will affect Wii sales?
8. If you get a Wii, will you make any jokes about the name i.e. are you gonna ask people to play/touch your Wii?

Please answer them in order, have numbers so I can easily read it. Also, if possible, tell me if you want your name in the feature. If you want your name, then please type your name. I'll put in either your screen name or keep it confidential if you're scared for whatever reason.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


The energy drink, BAWLS. Got the one that wasn't sugar free. Went to H-E-B and was looking for some soda when I found it. Usually I have to go to some small store pretty far from my house to get it. But no, I actually found some without looking. SCORE!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Ok this is interesting. Since this blog is pretty much about nothing and everything at the same time, I have really no idea what to say about this AdSense.

And for those who don't know, AdSense is a program by Google to get you paid for having ads on your website. That's the gist of it. On the surface, it looks really good. However, they, the advertisers, pay by the click. Since I don't think my little blog here gets more then a dozen or so vistors a month, I don't think it would be worth it. However, if I could get this blog big, AdSense would be great for some extra money. The only problem is that since as I've said, this blog is about everything and nothing at the same time, not sure if I could get this blog. I'm not sure I want to turn this into a newsblog since I'd like to keep this personal but money is money.

All in all, AdSense is confusing.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Dekaranger have rotted my mind...

And yes they have. During class, all I could think about was Japanese things. It was hard to get English words in my head, which is not a good thing in Journalism. And its all thanks to Japanese TV shows, or in this case, TOKUSOU SENTAI DEKARANGER!

Dekaranger is Power Rangers SPD in Japan, original version. Gotta say, its pretty...strange. I swear I thought the producers and script writers were on crack for a few of these episodes. Unlike its western counterpart, it has cuss words. Unfortunetly, that doesn't make it more mature as some fans claim it is. In fact, it reminded me more of a Live Action anime. Ok but weird.

If you get a chance to watch it, and are a Power Rangers fan, watch it. Its not terrible but it'll make you one, glad that Power Rangers is different, and two, wish Power Rangers had some of the stuff in it, like the Yellow ranger.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

How Sarcastic Are You?

You Have Your Sarcastic Moments

While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge.
In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead!
And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in.
Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.

Actually, it matches me.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Whew! Busy day

So I got an Xbox360 and made my own checking account. Simple right? NOPE! You see, I wanted a 360 so I would've had to take it out of my savings account at the bank my mom goes to. My mom, who was fed up with me, finally decided to close the savings account, as I wasn't saving much money, and had me open a checking account. I was nervous the entire way, and I was driving! In about a week, I'll get my own Visa debit card as well! And hopefully, I'll be finished with school so I can take up a full-time job. And thus my steps into adulthood are nearing complete.

Oh and I bought a refurbished Xbox360 + game and hardrive. It was actually a bit cheaper the way I did it but yeah...taxes still suck...