Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Another depressing post?

Damn...This is not how I expected my blog to turn out. I EVEN SAID "WOOT" IN MY FIRST POST!! Damn. I guess this really can't be helped.

So yeah, here's a report of what happened, with video I think, of it.


Ok, here's what happened. First day of school was yesterday. Since I'm not done with high school yet, and don't want to go back to my old high school, I go to Northside Excel Academy. Well, its a small school divided into two blocks, morning block and afternoon block. I go to the afternoon block, which is smaller then morning, so I notice some people missing. Since right now there are only people from last year who didn't finish attending, our group is small enough to notice one person missing. Especially if that one person is loud. So I noticed Derek was missing. I figured at the time, "Maybe he's just missing the first day back." Nothing big or strange about that. I know he didn't finish but he was attending both morning and afternoon blocks to finish up and get his diploma. I'm not thinking too much of it.

So class starts around 1:30 p.m. and I go to my advisory/English teacher to get started again. Well a few of the girls whom Derek talked to alot were suddenly pulled out of class by the counselor after being talked to by our teacher. I only heard part of the converstation between them and noticed a few things. I only heard due to the small class and little talking so even though they were quiet, it was still easy to hear. It was about Derek. How our teacher didn't remember shaking his hand or how at the very last day of summer school, and for everyday of summer school, he attended till the very last second, even a little after. A little FYI, our summer school last from last day of school till around end of June and we could leave school anytime and not even have to show up. Derek did. Stayed the full four hours and went everyday.

Well, after the girls leave, the rest of us get to work signing whatever paperwork that we need to fill out again. We all check where we were since the last time we came to school in our classes. I'm taking the second half of English 4 so I need a litrature book. I go to the office to get one assigned to me and notice the two girls that left our class earlier in the counselor office, one of the crying tremedously. So I ask one of the ladies there, "What's going on? Why are they crying?" She only tells me that she can't talk about now and I'll find out soon enough. I tell her, "Its ok. I don't need to know. I can wait. After all, I need to get caught up again."

Now I get back to class and notice a few other people shedding a few tears, one of them being a guy who is trying more successfully to hold back a full cry. I remember that these are the people who talked with Derek on a daily basis at school and were pretty close. And Derek still isn't here and is pretty much a hush-hush topic now so I draw up a few conclusions: 1) Something happened and he's in the hospital. 2) He's dead. Harsh and not looking to the positve side but that was the only thing that popped up in my mind at the time.

Before long they call us up to the office to get our new school ID pictures taken. After taking mine, I notice a few of our classmates not here but still in the classroom. One guy, who came after a few of us to take pictures, looks pretty down. He whispers to me, "Hey, did you know Derek?" I thought he said 'Garret' and I always assumed that Derek's name was 'Eric' so I shook my head no. After giving a brief description of Derek, I remembered him and mentally twacked myself for getting the names 'Derek' and 'Eric' messed up, the guy responds, "Yeah well he's dead. Died in a car accident...On the way to school."

"So I was right," I thought. "Great...had to have option #2 right...fuck..."

After the few of us got our pictures taken, we went back to class. Obviously, now with the gained information, I see why everyone seems sad. That a bit more pissed off at the unwanted cameras from local news stations, though I had to admit that they were a bit rude. For something like this to happen on the first day of school is something that journalists seem to thrive for. It makes for interesting news but at the cost for the ones grieving. In fact, one of the the guys who came kept telling the cameraman to get a picture of the sign "Welcome back to school" in the front. Hell, if I actually knew Derek better, I would have probably been pissed off enough to actually have broken the camera and punch the guy in the face, not the cameraman but the guy talking. Even our teacher was about to do that but he though they got permission to film inside the school. However, it wasn't until after that he found out, and told us today, that they in fact didn't get permission and just filmed.

Now, where do I stand on this? Here's how it breaks down:

1) Its been determined that Derek wasn't wearing a seatbelt while driving to school. Now I have something I say for people like that "I have no sympathy if you're an idiot and decided not to buckle up before you drove off." There really is no excuse for that. Derek was supposedly ejected from his seat for not buckling up. Its horrible to say but we all think like that. Try saying it after someone you know gets in a car accident and gets ejected. Its something that if you preached, you can't go against with out being an idiot yourself. Don't double-standard this. You're just a hypocrite if you do this and you know it. Since I have said this, I can't really feel completely sorry for him since I knew it was bound to happen. Even if this was one of the few times, or first time, he ever drove without a seat belt one, it was one time too many and unfortunatly, he paid the consenquence. It sounds cruel but its the plain truth. Add that to the fact that there was no other driver involved, yeah. It was his fault. Now, I heard a rumor that he had taken a few shots before driving but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt there. If he did, then its another ball mark.

2) I didn't really know Derek that well. Hell, I thought his name was Eric! Now, Excel is a small school and we usually have around 150 people max enrolled in school at one time, and now we bearly have 90 people enrolled and not 400 like the news report states. Since it was a small school, you pretty much knew everyone there to some degree, unless they were in a different block then you. Derek was one of those people who you know but you don't really know. If you don't understand that then here's an explanation, I knew him since he was in my class and liked to talk to a bunch of people but I didn't talk to him. So yeah, since I don't really know him, how can I be completely sad? I can't and its that simple. I can be sad but I can't blubbering since I really didn't know him. Yes, its sad but other then him being a fellow classmate, whom I didn't know that well, I have very little reason to breakdown over this. For the ones who do, my sympathy goes to them. I'll feel sorry for them as a few I do know a bit better. That's about all I can do.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Good news!

I'M NORMAL!!! Read my last post and you see that I had to a problem retracting my foreskin on my penis. But now, I DID IT!! Yup yup. Saw the head and everything. Too bad I could get a boner to test it out. Still...GOOD NEWS FOR ME! NO SURGERY!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Good news, I'm ok. Bad news...(CAUTION: I need mature readers for this one)

I need surgery. Ok, here's the story. For a while, I've been suspecting there has been something wrong with me. More to the point, I've been thinking there is something wrong with my penis. I'm not really too worried about the size but more on the tip and the foreskin.

For those who don't know, the tip is also know as the head of the penis and the foreskin is the skin that covers it when one doesn't have an erection, or while in resting position. When a male does have an erection, the tip/head will be pushed out of the forskin and emerge. This is how a regular penis works. However, in order to get it to where the penis tip can come out, while growing up, the boy must pull it out on his own. It begins when you are a baby. You mother, or whom ever changes your diaper, will try and pull the tip out to clean. When you get older you are usually told to do this on your own from your parents.

Those whom aren't like this are circumcized. If you don't know if you're circumcised or not, here's a simple lesson on how you can tell if you're circumcized or not. As I've mentioned before, the normal penis has its head behind the foreskin until an erection. But if you can see your penis tip, without having an erection, then you are circumcised. Chances are, you had it right after birth. This can go into a debate about the religious and ethinic problems and praise about circumcision so I won't go into. However, for the most part, white people tend to have their children circumcised more often then not.

Now, here's my problem. When I was born, my mother opted to not have me circumcised while I was baby. Because of this, the doctors told her that when she was changing my diaper, or while I was taking a bath, that she should push the foreskin back to make it easier to push back on my own when I get older. Despite being told this, she didn't do such. The reason? She didn't feel right messing with a babies penis. First bad move.

Now while I was growing up, my mother nor my father never told me to pull the foreskin back while taking a bath to clean my penis. My mother once told me in the seventh grade to wash it with soap and water but other then that, nothing else. So, throughout middle school, and eventually High School, I went on oblivious on this subject. Even in health class, the subject never came up. Second bad move.

However, even before now, I suspected something amiss. Reason being, my penis didn't look like other guys penis like the ones I saw in porn. Not the size but formation. I didn't have the tip. During this summer, with little else to do, I decided to research on my aliment. A bit of shock came upon me. My suspensions were true. Not only was there something wrong with my penis but it had a term. Phimosis. This is an aliment of sorts where the head of the penis has trouble coming out of the foreskin. Apparently, you're suppose to be able to pull the head out by the age of 16. I'm 18. Not a good sign. Another thing is that surprisingly enough, my dad also had this before my mom and him had sex for the first time. In his case, the foreskin was forced back when he first entered my mother's vagina which caused him pain and to bleed. My mother would never know what the problem was until I told her about myself. She put 2 and 2 together.

Now back to my problem. Since I couldn't retract the foreskin back, and was 18, I was recommended to a Urologist, a doctor who focuses on the urinary tracts of men and women and reproductive system of men. Once I got there, and finally met the doctor, I was promptly asked to take down my pants for examination. There, the doctor tried to push my foreskin back himself. Once he couldn't, he asked me to try. I got it further back then usual but couldn't pull it back. So, rather then take a non-surgical approach, he told me that I needed a circumcision. He told me I did in fact have Phimosis and that at my age I would need a circumcision.

There in lies the problem. I don't have insurance so a surgery, as this is considered a surgery at my age, would be rather costly. A rough estimate would be around $1500USD. I don't have that kind of money. However, the Urologist did recommend me going to a place where they would do my operation but cut the cost significantly. So next week, I'm going to see if I can arrange an operation, first seeing how much they will cut off from the price and how much we will have to pay and then how long the recovery time will be. Ugh...My life just got a little bit more complicated.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Homebrew for the Gizmondo rules!

And jesh it does people. For those who don't know, which would be both surprising and not surprising at the same time, I own a Gizmondo. Yes, I bought the system that failed horribly due to fucking executives taking more money for themselves rather they pushing their product. However, they at least did release a good system. Gizmondo fans are pretty damn cool since we got homebrew, and even before then they were kicking ass. Even with the company defunct, Gizmondo fans are still getting the most out of their system. Homebrew being something that pushes it beyond its grave.

But the reason for the post was just to say that "HOMEBREW FOR THE GIZMONDO RULES!!" since it truly does. Hell, they've even released a better video player for the Gizmondo, TCMPlayer, that gives the Gizmondo PSP quality video. Of course, we gotta work a bit on the videos from fucking up but its still great! And thanks to a few people (Otaku, Zektor, RX Shorty, GizStudPrez, and Puggster since he's just cool like dat), we've been getting all the Gizmondo games. From the ones that were originally released to the ones that were either hidden or in development, we're playing em' still and having fun seeing what the Gizmondo would have done.

Sure, overall, the Gizmondo homebrew scene isn't as big and took a longer time to hack then both PSP and DS but we were a smaller crowd with limited people and limited resources. PSP had thousands upon thousands of people working to hack it at launch, both US and Japanese launches, but Gizmondo only had a few dozen. However, from those small groups, we got a more effiecient homebrew. Rather then have to go through all these loopholes, security flaws, and other crap that the PSP has go through just to play Super Mario 3, we don't have to do all that crap. Why? Cause Gizmondo fans just rock like that, and we know its true.


....ok that was stupid...

Random post but its just to talk about something that happened on Sunday. I went over to my friend Austen's house along with our other friend Josh. Now, I usually bring a small drink for myself whening going over there since Austen rarely puts his drinks/sodas/alcohol in the fridge, they're mostly in the in lundry room. In order to make it to where I won't have to wait one hours just to enjoy a semi-cold drink since he rarely makes ice as well, I just bring one drink for myself. He, for some reason, gets pissed off at this. Complains that I'm not sharing and to "bring drinks for everyone". Usually, the case is that I don't know how many people are going to be there so I don't bring more then one or, in most cases, whatever I'm drinking is a bit expensive per can/bottle. He then goes on to rant about the unfairness of it all even though that time he had the exact same drink in his laundry room, cheap cola from H-E-B. So he says in a quite angerly voice, "No donuts for you!" Of course by this time I notice that half-empty box of Krispy Kreme donuts that he and Josh have been consuming for the past 2 minutes. As good as they are, like most everything, they're easy to resist.

So we played Naruto: Clash of Ninja 4 for the Gamecube, I know the Japanese name for it but don't remember how to type it, for a bit, I got there around 8:00 pm. While playing, he keeps getting pissed off at both me and Josh, mostly me, saying that his controller doesn't work and calling his character either a "Faggot, bitch, bastard" and various other comments. Now the parts he was getting pissed off at weren't actually problems with his controller but just how the game works. In Naruto, if you attack a character from behind, its hard for them to turn around while still getting hit. Now after a few moments, you usually get used to this. Not him as he will keep complaining and complaining on how "gay" his character is for not turning around.

Also, while playing, I found out he had a new saying called "That's life". In other words, when our fourth computer player would start attacking one of us, he would run away saying, "That's life" while either me or Josh get double-teamed. Using this, his character would usually win since the three of us usually kicked enough crap out of each other that his almost full health character would be able to beat us in one hit or so due to one its more cheaper moves. So, to counter this, I decided to actually change it up a bit. Instead of a "4 player, 2-2 match, no teams" I decided to switch attacks on other characters every now and then. This in turn would make the 4 player, no teams match go to what it should have been in the very first place, a free for all. Needless to say, he got very pissed off at this and would use a cheap move to win most of the times he won. He'd usually always use one of the four strongest characters in the game (Itachi, Orochimaru, Demon Naruto with tail, and some bone guy whos name is irrelevant), and boast that only he knew how to use the characters. This isn't the case as all you have to do is keep using the same button combo every time and due to their great speed and attacking power, would almost guarentee you the victory everytime as they could teleport almost instantanously across the field at anytime. Because of this, and a bit to my skills, I managed to win a few matches with the last match beating Austen to the point where he literally threw his GC controller in contempt yelling at how "gay" that last match was.

After playing Naruto for a while, it reached 10:00 or so I had to go home. I hadn't planned on staying there long or smoking from the hookah in the back so 10:00 was perfect time to leave. They were leaving, about to set up the hookah when I decided to go home. My throat was dry and smoking on a dry throat sucks and I didn't want to drink soda to attempt to get it moist.

So I kindly said to both of them "Yeah, I'm gone now. See ya guys later."

I go to the living room shortly after to pick up my controller, as I bought over my own since most of his controllers are fucked up, and say "See ya" to both Josh and Austen as I close the door leaving.

Now, he lives in an apartment of sorts so I had to walk a bit to reach my car. Suddenly, I hear someone behind me calling my name, chasing me down the block. I turn and see that its Austen looking a bit serious yelling out I forgot something. I thought he might of come out to tell me I forgot my controller so I hold my controller up slightly to he can see it.

As it turned out, that was far from it. Instead what he said was, while chuckling a bit to noticably, "Heh heh, you forgot your dildo!"

Acting as if he said the funniest thing in the world, he's laughing almost hysterically as I'm standing there, pretty much stupidified at what he said. Its not that I didn't, or couldn't of, make a comeback for it. Hell, that's simple. The reason I didn't make any type of of comeback was because of how stupid and not funny the joke was or how it was executed.

Now I don't consider myself a comedian of any type but my immediate thought was, "You mean to say that you ran out here, out of your house, caught up with me before I could reach my car, with no one else listening or watching just so he could make a joke about me 'forgetting my dildo'? How the hell is that suppose to be funny?"

Sighing and shaking my head no, I left Austen, who was laughing his way back to his house, pretty much stunned at how bad that "joke" truly was. It was kind of...how do you say...Well it was gay.

First Post!

HORRAY!! I'VE OFFICIALLY GOTTEN MY FIRST REAL BLOG!!! GO ME!!! WOOT WOOT!! That being said, suppose I should say what anyone reading this should be expecting.

Well, its simple really, its a blog. Expect me to just randomly talking about stuff (mainly gaming, anime, tech, or Power Rangers).

Hmm...well expect my first real post soon! Or sooner then expected!